How to incorporate Plants into your Bathroom Décor: Transform your space with Greenery

Monday 13 November 2023
How to incorporate Plants into your Bathroom Décor: Transform your space with Greenery

Incorporating plants into your bathroom decor is an excellent way to infuse your space with freshness, colour, and a touch of nature.

Not only do bathroom plants add aesthetic appeal, but they also offer numerous benefits such as air purification and increased humidity.

In this blog post, we will explore the world of bathroom greenery and provide you with inspiring ideas to create a lush and inviting oasis.

From air-purifying plants to hanging varieties and tropical stunners, let's dive into the wonderful world of indoor plants for bathrooms.

Benefits of bathroom plants

Before we delve into the various ways to incorporate plants into your bathroom décor, it's essential to understand the benefits they bring. Bathroom plants act as natural air purifiers, filtering out harmful toxins and releasing fresh oxygen into the air.

Some plants are also great at absorbing additional moisture in bathrooms, helping to control the overall moisture levels in your house, especially during the winter months. Moreover, the presence of greenery in your bathroom promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and creates a spa-like ambience.

Indoor houseplants are often cited as helping to reduce stress and bring a sense of calm to a home and the bathroom is a great space for this. Plants are known to help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increase productivity. Your bathroom is the perfect place to add to your indoor plant collection, helping to create more stress-free environments around your home.

If you are one of those people that struggles to look after houseplants, the bathroom can be the perfect environment for your plants to thrive. Under or over-watering is one of the biggest challenges that houseplants face and the moist, humid, and steamy environment in the bathroom can help to generate the perfect environment in which your houseplants can thrive.

Choosing the right plants

When selecting bathroom plants, it's crucial to consider their adaptability to the specific conditions found in this space.

Bathrooms typically have lower light levels and higher humidity compared to other areas of the home. Opt for plants that thrive in low-light conditions and can tolerate higher humidity levels.

Some great choices for bathroom plants include snake plants, dracaena, spider plants, peace lilies, and ferns. These varieties are not only visually appealing but also relatively low maintenance.

You can check out our recommendations for the best bathroom plants below:

  • Moth Orchid: orchids are notoriously tricky to look after, however, the moth orchid is widely regarded as the lowest maintenance orchid with long flowering periods. They grow well in bright, indirect light, and love humidity which makes a well-lit bathroom the ideal environment.
  • Dracaena: with so many varieties to choose from, dracaenas are perfect for the bathroom as they can be used in a number of different ways. They don’t like direct sunlight, so bathrooms typically offer them a safe haven and they also love high levels of humidity – another tick for the bathroom.
  • Begonia: whilst these are typically regarded as outdoor plants, they actually thrive in indoor environments too, especially the bathroom. Begonias do well in fluorescent lighting but will also do well if placed on a windowsill. They too like humidity making the bathroom the perfect place for these pretty blooms.
  • Spider Plants: spider plants are amazing houseplants no matter where they are located. They really help to remove odours and fumes and can grow in a wide range of conditions, including outdoors. They work well in full sun or shaded positions and can tolerate low light so they are versatile plants that can be placed in a number of spots in the bathroom.
  • Peace Lily: here in New Zealand, peace lilies are a staple houseplant that performs well in a range of positions, thriving with very little maintenance. The glossy leaves and white blooms make this a very pretty addition to your bathroom and peace lilies enjoy the moisture and humidity created in a bathroom.

Bathroom plant décor ideas

Now that you've chosen the perfect plants for your bathroom, it's time to incorporate them into your décor. Here are some creative ideas to transform your bathroom into a green oasis:

1.      Wall-mounted planters

Install wall-mounted planters to add vertical greenery. These can be mounted above the sink or near the bathtub, creating a striking visual display. Consider using trailing plants such as string of pearl or heartleaf philodendron for a cascading effect.

2.      Floating shelves

Place floating shelves above the toilet or next to the vanity and adorn them with small potted plants. This not only adds a touch of nature but also provides storage space for bathroom essentials.

3.      Hanging plants

Hang plants from the ceiling using macramé hangers or decorative hooks. Hanging plants like spider plants or trailing succulents not only saves space but also adds a unique touch to your bathroom décor.

4.      Plant stands

Utilise plant stands or pedestals to elevate larger plants such as peace lilies or palms. These statement plants bring a tropical vibe to your bathroom and create a focal point.

5.      Terrariums

Display small succulents or air plants in glass terrariums on the windowsill or countertops. Terrariums add a modern and elegant touch while requiring minimal maintenance.

Air-purifying bathroom plants

Incorporating air-purifying plants into your bathroom not only enhances the décor but also improves the air quality. Here are a few examples of plants known for their air-purifying properties:

  • Snake Plant: Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law's tongue, thrive in low-light conditions and absorb toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Peace Lily: Peace lilies have beautiful white flowers and can remove pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air.
  • Bamboo Palm: Tropical plants like the bamboo palm is an excellent choice for bathrooms, as it filters out formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. It also adds a touch of tropical elegance to your space.
  • Boston Fern: Boston ferns are natural air humidifiers and can thrive in the high humidity found in bathrooms. They effectively filter out formaldehyde and xylene.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera not only has soothing properties for the skin but also filters out pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene. Place a small potted aloe Vera plant on your bathroom countertop for a practical and decorative touch.

Care tips for bathroom plants

To ensure the health and longevity of your bathroom plants, it's essential to provide them with the right care. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

a) Lighting: Most bathroom plants thrive in low to moderate light conditions. Place them near windows or areas that receive indirect light. If your bathroom lacks natural light, consider using artificial grow lights.

b) Watering: Bathrooms tend to be more humid, which means plants may require less frequent watering. Ensure the soil is well-drained and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

c) Temperature: Maintain a temperature range that suits the specific plant species you've chosen. Most bathroom plants prefer temperatures between 60°F and 85°F (15°C to 29°C).

d) Pruning: Regularly trim and prune your plants to maintain their shape and prevent overcrowding. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves promptly.

e) Cleaning: Dust can accumulate on plant leaves in a bathroom due to moisture. Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them clean and free from dust.


Incorporating plants into your bathroom décor not only adds a refreshing and inviting ambience but also provides numerous benefits such as air purification and increased humidity.

By selecting the right plants, implementing creative décor ideas, and providing proper care, you can transform your bathroom into a lush and serene oasis. Embrace the beauty of bathroom greenery and enjoy the tranquility it brings to your daily routine.