Tips for Organising and Decluttering Your Bathroom

Monday 18 March 2024
Tips for Organising and Decluttering Your Bathroom

A cluttered and disorganised bathroom can make your daily routine feel chaotic and stressful. However, with some effective strategies and creative storage solutions, you can transform your bathroom into a tidy and functional space.

As well as creating a stressful environment, a cluttered bathroom can also feel much smaller than it actually is. This is especially true for small bathrooms in the first place and keeping your bathroom space organised and uncluttered is a great way to give a sense of a much bigger space.

In this blog post, we will share practical tips for organising and decluttering your bathroom. From bathroom organisation tips to bathroom storage solutions, we have you covered!

Bathroom decluttering ideas

The first place to start with a bathroom clean up is decluttering. Whilst organisation is important, you need to declutter before you organise as there is no point in organising stuff that you are not going to keep. Here are some great tips to declutter your bathroom:

  • Minimalist approach: Adopt a minimalist mindset and keep only the essentials in your bathroom. Let go of duplicates or items you rarely use. It’s amazing how many deodorants you can end up with that are half used or shower gels that you pick up from a hotel you stayed at but have never since used. These types of items need to be purged on a regular basis to ensure you keep a clutter-free space in your bathroom.
  • Streamline your towels: Limit the number of towels to what you and your family actually need. Consider using hooks or towel bars for easy access and efficient drying. Hopefully you will have storage elsewhere in your house for additional towels such as an airing cupboard. You can use vertical storage such as shelving to keep the essential towels in your bathroom neat and tidy.
  • Dispose of expired products: Check expiration dates on toiletries, medications, and cosmetics. Dispose of anything that has expired or become ineffective. This also goes for any bathroom products that you have not used for six months. It is unlikely that you will pick these back up again if you haven’t used them in over six months so be ruthless in your decluttering.
  • Digitise your reading material: It’s amazing how many homes still keep magazines in the bathroom and these can take up a considerable amount of space, not to mention look untidy and add to the clutter. Move magazines and books to a digital format or keep a small selection elsewhere in your home. This will reduce clutter and create a more serene environment.

Bathroom organisation tips

A cluttered bathroom can be daunting, however, a few simple tips can make the organising process a lot simpler. Once you have “cleaned the slate”, organising your bathroom space will seem a lot easier and make it much easier to keep it uncluttered and organised moving forward. Here are some top tips for organising your bathroom:

  1. Start with a clean slate: Before you begin organising, remove everything from your bathroom and give it a thorough cleaning. This will help you assess what you have and what you truly need.
  2. Sort and purge: It’s amazing how much we accumulate in our bathrooms over time. Separate your bathroom items into categories, such as toiletries, medications, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies. Discard expired or unused items, donating or recycling when possible.
  3. Utilise vertical space: Install shelves or wall-mounted cabinets to maximise vertical storage. This will free up counter space and keep items within reach. Using vertical storage rather than storage solutions that take up floor space can also add to the sense of space in your bathroom. Shelves and vertical storage are your friends if you have a small bathroom.
  4. Group similar items: We have already talked about sorting and purging your bathroom items and once this has been done, it is important to keep those items sorted. Arrange your belongings in categories and designate specific areas for each group. This will make it easier to find what you need and maintain order. A great example is dedicating a drawer or shelf to specific items such as medications, cosmetics, and grooming products for example.
  5. Label and use containers: Invest in small containers, baskets, or drawer dividers to keep items organised. Label each container to ensure everything has a designated place. This really is the key to keeping a tidy and organised bathroom moving forward. Without specific areas for grouped items, a bathroom can quickly turn back into an unorganised space, so it is important to put measures in place to stop this from happening.

Bathroom storage solutions

Once you have decluttered your bathroom and started the organisation process, it might be time to invest in some bathroom storage solutions to help you to keep your bathroom space uncluttered and organised moving forward. There are lots of great ideas out there and we have touched on a couple already, however, if you are looking for some more inspiration, here are some bathroom storage solutions you can implement to help to keep your bathroom nice and organised:

Over-the-door organisers

Make use of the space behind your bathroom door with an over-the-door organiser. This is ideal for storing toiletries, hair tools, or cleaning supplies. Whilst many people have hooks on the back of the bathroom door for towels or bathrobes, an over-the-door organiser is a great use of the space.

Floating shelves

Install floating shelves above the toilet or near the sink to display decorative items and provide additional storage for frequently used items. Floating shelves are a great way to maximise the vertical storage space in your bathroom and they provide a nice clean finish without adding to the clutter.

Tiered trays and caddies

Opt for tiered trays or caddies on your countertop to store everyday essentials like soap, toothbrushes, and lotions. This keeps them easily accessible and visually appealing. Countertop caddies are a great way to keep all your daily essential items organised whilst keeping your countertop free from clutter.

Under-sink storage

Maximise the space under your sink by adding stackable bins or pull-out drawers. This area is perfect for storing cleaning supplies, extra toiletries, or toilet paper rolls. You can also opt for a vanity unit with built in storage. These vanity units can be wall vanities or floor vanities, with wall vanities offering a great option for smaller bathroom spaces as they will provide a greater sense of space by taking up no floor space.

Creative bathroom storage ideas

If you are looking for some more creative ways to organise your bathroom and reduce the clutter, these are some of the best ideas curated from Pinterest:

  • Mason jars: Repurpose mason jars to store cotton balls, cotton swabs, or makeup brushes. Arrange them on a tray or mount them on the wall for a stylish storage solution.
  • Magnetic strips: Attach magnetic strips to the inside of cabinet doors to hold metal items like tweezers, nail clippers, or bobby pins. This keeps them easily accessible and prevents them from getting lost.
  • Hanging baskets: Hang baskets from shower curtain rods or hooks to store bath products, loofahs, or washcloths. This saves space and adds a decorative touch.

  • Tension rods: Install tension rods in your under-sink cabinet to create additional storage for cleaning spray bottles or hanging baskets for toiletries.

How to organise bathroom drawers

One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to decluttering and organising a bathroom is how best to organise bathroom drawers. Often, things just get thrown in there after they have been used and whilst you might know that something is in the drawer, finding it when you need it can be frustrating at times.

Similar to the process of organising your entire bathroom space, if you want to organise your bathroom drawer, the first place to start is a complete purge. Follow these steps for organised bathroom drawers:

  1. Empty and assess: Remove everything from your bathroom drawers and sort items into categories. Discard any expired or unused products.
  2. Use drawer dividers: Invest in drawer dividers to separate and organise different items within the drawers. This helps prevent items from mixing together and makes it easier to find what you need.
  3. Roll or fold towels: If you need to store your towels in your bathroom, you need to make sure you maximise the space in the dedicated drawer or cupboard. To maximise space in your drawers, roll or fold towels neatly. This not only saves space but also allows you to see all your towels at a glance. Separate hand towels and bath towels to make them easier to access.
  4. Categorise and label: Assign specific sections of the drawer for different categories, such as hair accessories, makeup, or grooming tools. Label each section to ensure items are returned to their designated spot.
  5. Utilise small containers: Use small containers or trays within your drawers to store smaller items like bobby pins, hair ties, or makeup brushes. This keeps them organised and prevents them from getting lost.
  6. Regular maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance sessions to declutter and reorganise your bathroom drawers. This will help you stay on top of any clutter build up and maintain an organised space.


A well-organised and clutter-free bathroom can significantly enhance your daily routine. By implementing these tips and utilising creative storage solutions, you can transform your bathroom into a functional and serene space. Remember to declutter regularly, assign designated places for each item, and maintain the organisation over time. With a little effort and creativity, you can enjoy a beautifully organised bathroom that promotes relaxation and efficiency.